High-Quality Heating
Design & Execution

Environmentally Friendly
No CO Danger

High-Quality Heating
Design & Execution
Environmentally Friendly
No CO Danger
AT heating modul
Revolutionary simple hot water production for building heating, technological hot water.
There is an energy crisis, utility costs have significantly increased. It is more expensive to maintain buildings and manufacture products and food.
Optimize your energy costs with the AT HEATING MODULe!
The AT HEATING MODULe, developed with innovations for heating, domestic, and technological hot water production, can generate a significant amount of hot water in a short time.
- 20 years of warranty
- Full inspection and service every 12 months
- Professional design and execution
Savings on the network
Long-term cost recovery

AT heating modul
Revolutionary simple hot water production for building heating, technological hot water.
There is an energy crisis, utility costs have significantly increased. It is more expensive to maintain buildings and manufacture products and food.
Optimize your energy costs with the AT HEATING MODULe!
The AT HEATING MODULe, developed with innovations for heating, domestic, and technological hot water production, can generate a significant amount of hot water in a short time.
- 20 years of warranty
- Full inspection and service every 12 months
- Professional design and execution

Savings on the network
Long-term cost recovery

A warm, safe, comfortable home with energy efficiency
You can reliably and flexibly control the warmth of
the room with the AT heating modul, even remotely from your mobile device.
You can connect solar panels and solar collectors to the AT heating modul.
Want a comfortable temperature in the building?
Turn on the heating produced by the self-regulating AT heating modul.

A warm, safe, comfortable home with energy efficiency
You can reliably and flexibly control the warmth of the room with the AT heating modul, even remotely from your mobile device.
You can connect solar panels and solar collectors to the AT heating modul.
Want a comfortable temperature in the building?
Turn on the heating produced by the self-regulating AT heating modul.

AT heating modul,
Areas of use
- Family houses and condominiums
- Office buildings
- Institutions
- Halls
- Residential buildings
- Jacuzzis
- Swimming pools
- Hotels
- Hot water production for wellness centers
- For technological and other hot water-demanding systems
- Food production facilities
- Pasteurization machines

AT heating modul,
Key advantages
- 20 years of warranty for replacement
- Highly reliable operation
- Shorter heating time
- No need for permits or approval procedures for installation.
- It can fit almost anywhere - can be easily installed closest to the point of use.
- In newly built properties, no chimney or boiler room is required, significantly reducing investment costs.
- Can also be used as auxiliary heating (spring-autumn).
- Low incidental, minimal maintenance costs.
- Can be powered by direct current without the need for solar panel inverters and batteries.
- No scale deposits, the efficiency of the heating module does not decrease over time.
AT heating modul,
complex advantages
- Combined with solar panels, nearly zero pound heating and electricity bills can be achieved;
- Segmented heating circuit;
- The system can be easily expanded with several AT HEATING MODULe;
- It can be installed in the optimal place for multi-floor buildings and multi-circuit heating systems, and the heating circuit can be segmented;
- No CO danger, no safety regulations for ventilation;
- It is also excellently suitable for replacing the missing heat demand of poorly sized, poorly functioning heating systems;
- It is made of environmentally friendly, 98% recyclable materials;